We’ve all experienced how a client’s experience can change based on something as small as a smile. At such moments, smooth operations & efficient processes are no substitute for an engaged, motivated employee with the instinct to do the right thing. Yet luxury hospitality & retail businesses, like many other companies can struggle to motivate employees.
Our research shows that organizations that successfully develop and build-on multigenerational teams, communication differences and overall diversity & inclusion are more innovative, ultimately giving them a strategic edge. These workshops focus on the specific needs & capabilities of employees working with HNI Clients, while providing the knowledge & support they need to succeed in their personal & professional goals.
The objective of customer service is typically to interact with the customers in order to answer questions, resolve support issues, establish credibility, and nurture relationships. Most, if not all, companies understand the need for providing customer service. But if pressed, those whose job and skills don’t directly relate to support might not know their company’s customer service objectives. To fill these gap TALI would help you out.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “content is king”? Though content marketing used to just be a way to set yourself apart from your competitors, it has now become a necessity for any modern brand. Content Marketing is at the heart of the most successful digital marketing campaigns. Behind every great brand is a wealth of valuable and relevant content that really connects with the company’s audience. But you may still be wondering, why is content marketing important?
Customer Service is the lifeline of any business and it is not just a department. We are aware of the fact that “Great Service = Delighted Customer = Prosperous Business”.
Any business would want its representative to be passionate in delivering excellent service to its customers. However, the biggest challenge most of the companies face is in motivating the employees to imbibe the service attitude. It is mostly a will issue than skill. The lack of drive among employees is mainly because of malnourished egoes.
The purpose of mystery shopping is to evaluate companies’ customer service and point out any flaws or weaknesses that may be present. It is a very easy way to see a business from the eyes of the consumer. This information helps companies know what is being provided to the customer and how that service is perceived. What it is really good at doing is improving the average shopping experience for the everyday customer.
If you do not try to find out what your clients actually think about your service, you will never be able to give them the best customer experience. Their opinions about the experience they have with your brand are helpful information that you can use to adjust your business to fit their needs more accurately.
- Improves Employee Morale
- Strengthen your customer service skills
- Enhance your customer service strategy
- Improve customer interactions






Animesh Mohapatra
I have known Divya for many years now. Must say she has an aura of high energy and enthusiasm. She is an orator par excellence and personalizes her Talk / Address adapting to the audience and the situation. She has amazing presentation skills and can hold the attention of the audience till the end. One of the best Public speaking coach in the industry today.

Mikhil Sarawagi
Very enthusiastic and dedicated professionals! Thanks to Divya to motivate us and show us perfect path to go ahead!! Would definitely in touch with you forever and recommend your services

Gomati Garware
I have attended TALI Public Speaking MasterClass and PIP program and found it highly valuable. Mentors are simply great and help you learn and focus on what you have to work on to achieve the best from yourself. They make you feel very confident and comfortable in this journey. They customized coaching per individual's need and their classes are super pack sessions. A lot of learning and great vision!!
Chetan Shah
Excellent session on Leadership Agility. Time well spent. Thought-provoking. Reflection.Improvement. Continuous learning.