I have known Divya for many years now. Must say she has an aura of high energy and enthusiasm. She is an orator par excellence and personalizes her Talk / Address adapting to the audience and the situation. She has amazing presentation skills and can hold the attention of the audience till the end. One of the best Public speaking coach in the industry today.
Very enthusiastic and dedicated professionals! Thanks to Divya to motivate us and show us perfect path to go ahead!! Would definitely in touch with you forever and recommend your services
I have attended TALI Public Speaking MasterClass and PIP program and found it highly valuable. Mentors are simply great and help you learn and focus on what you have to work on to achieve the best from yourself. They make you feel very confident and comfortable in this journey. They customized coaching per individual’s need and their classes are super pack sessions. A lot of learning and great vision!!
Excellent session on Leadership Agility. Time well spent. Thought-provoking. Reflection.Improvement. Continuous learning.
My key takeaways from this masterclass are how to be a better agile leader as per current changing market trends and improvisation on my public speaking skill. Thank you team TALI & Best wishes.
” As a parent, I could get a perfect institute to prepare my son for the soft skills required, which […]
” It was a great experience Taking so many points to improve myself. Remarkable change in me from morning to evening. ”
“I attended the masterclass. Learnt some great points to be a public speaker and agile leader.”
” TALI opens a new world of learning. I am ready to enter the world as a good leader & Public Speaker .”
“Great Learning Exp since past two days. Great learning for how to handle a team in agile manner when I am moving from Sr position to Team Leader. “